Acupuncture is a medical field and as such, is insurance reimbursable. I write claims to your insurance company, collect your co-insurance payment each visit, and write medical records. If you are asking for me to submit a claim to your insurance comapny, an evaluation is required. Your first visit includes an evaluation of symptoms 15 minutes, and treatment is 45 minutes long. Cash payments are not accepted for insurance patients as each co-insurance payment must be receipt documented as a business payment.
If insurance is out of the picture, there is a brief evaluation included in the 60 minute treatment.
Credit card rates, Venmo, corporate Health Fund Account or Health Savings Account cards all come with a bank transaction fee of 3% additional to the Zelle rate. Zelle payments do not add transaction fees onto the payment.
45 minutes manual therapy $139 Zelle
60 minutes manual therapy $185 Zelle
75 minutes manual therapy $231 Zelle
90 minutes manual therapy $278 Zelle
Cash discounted rates:
$128 /45 minutes
$170 /60 minutes
$213 /75 minutes (discount of $18.00)
$255 /90 minutes
My signature treatment includes both acupuncture and manual therapy. During the initial treatment I may use acupuncture, electro-acupuncture, trigger point acupuncture, neurofunctional acupuncture, manual therapy, air cupping (I do not do fire cupping nor blood wet cupping) Vietnamese guas'a (guas'a and cupping may be received within the same session), therapeutic ultrasound heat, Chinese herbal liniments, my table is equipped with a far infra-red heat mat. I may also utilize moist heat and infra-red heat modalities.
I have been practicing from my Chelsea Home Office for 34 years. I request verbal consent before I administer each technique. You are never out-of-control under my care. Acupuncture may require a few visits to realize the benefits.
The supreme medicine of course is a variety of 30 organic vegetables, fruits, nuts and beans - (your refrigerator is your medicine cabinet) per week to heal your microbiome, exercising, drinking filtered water (I serve Berkey filtered water in my office) and having positive thought vibrations and affirmations throughout your day.
Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medicine that is backed by a large body of scientific research. Insertion of hair-thin needles into your body relieves pain and treats disease by restoring the normal flow of Qi (pronounced "chee"), the energy or life force that flows through the body.Research finds acupuncture combined with moxibustion and manual therapy effective for the relief of neck pain. Several mechanisms explain the effects of acupuncture. It stimulates the release of pain-relieving endorphins, mobilizes the immune system, and activates natural opioids in the brain that relieve pain and promote sleep. Acupuncture also triggers the release of neurotransmitters and hormones that positively affect health.Though it is most often used to relieve pain, acupuncture's wide-ranging effects make it a useful therapy for conditions affecting the digestive, musculoskeletal, respiratory, nervous, and cardiovascular systems, and more.
When you undergo acupuncture treatment, you lie comfortably upon a deluxe cushioned therapeutic table, which can be converted into a face-down full-term pregnancy table, while disposable single-use needles are placed by me, a NYS licensed acupuncturist, at strategic locations that connect with deeper organs and tissue elsewhere in your body. The needles are so thin that you barely feel more than a slight pinch or tingling sensation. For the patient's comfort, I use the more expensive, refined Seirin Japanese needles and technique primarily for Japanese and Chinese styles of acupuncture. However, I use thicker Chinese needles for the Trigger Point, Sports Medicine and electroacupuncture (electric stimulation). After needle insertion, the lights are lowered and soft music is played to encourage healing relaxation. During a treatment, which lasts approximately 60 - 75 minutes, I may slightly manipulate the needles occasionally to "grab" the Qi or utilize electro-acupuncture on several of the needle pairs. I also offer traditional air cupping and Vietnamese Gua sha (pronounced "gwah sah" - rubbing up the stagnant energy from the superficial muscle tissue). Some conditions clear up with one or two acupuncture treatments. However, chronic health concerns may require multiple sessions to determine whether further treatment is beneficial.
First visit 75-90 minutes Includes intake forms, mandatory arbitration forms, evaluation and acupuncture or comprehensive treatment (comprehensive treatment may include acupuncture, manual therapy, Gua Sha, cupping, exercises, stretches, far-infrared light, moist heat), aromatherapy creams. Please arrive on time, there is both evaluation and insurance paperwork to be filled out. If you do not wish to afford a 90 minute session, I will do what I can in an hour or 75 minutes.
This is an elevator residential building with a gated garden entrance.
By Appointment Only
Naturopunc Acupuncture, P.C. (HomeOffice for 33+ years) 108 W 15th Street New York, NY 10011
(917) 721-7386 Text Only for Appointments