Focused soft tissue manual manipulation of tight, adhesions in the musculo-skeletal tissues. This may include deep soft tissue manipulation, American trigger point acupuncture, air cupping with infra-red heat, therapeutic ultrasound, or Vietnamese guas'ha.
Rates vary depending on the method of payment as Venmo, credit cards, Health Savings Account cards all come with a bank transaction fee of 3% .
45 minutes manual therapy $139 Zelle
60 minutes manual therapy $185 Zelle
75 minutes manual therapy $231 Zelle
90 minutes manual therapy $278 Zelle
Cash discounted rates:
$128 /45 minutes
$170 /60 minutes
$213 /75 minutes
$255 /90 minutes
As an acupuncturist, I use rehabilitation manual therapy as a supplemental technique to acupuncture, trigger point acupuncture and electro-acupuncture. Rehabilitation manual therapy as a stand alone technique, treats muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, pain, inflammation, soreness, tight muscles - for marathon runners, athletes, dance injuries, sports injuries and computer pain syndrome: neck pain, and upper to lower back pain and anterior hip flexor (psoas) tightness and pain from sitting long hours, gluteal pain, (knee) patellar tendonitis pain and ITB tightness, and ankle sprains level 1-2.
Also, treated as stated above, are ilio-tibial band/patellar tracking pain (knee pain), calf pain, achilles tendonitis, ankle sprain level 1 and 2, "frozen shoulder" adhesive capsulitis, referred pain into your shoulder, rotator cuff injuries, golfer's and tennis elbow, migraines and headaches, TMJD - jaw (masseter muscle) tightness, foot pain (neuroma) under the second and third toes, bone fracture pain, and plantar "fascitis" pain. Note: plantar fasciosis is a disorder where the fascia is repeatedly stressed rather than inflamed. Other terms used to describe plantar fasciosis include calcaneal enthesopathy and calcaneal spur syndrome (heel spur).
Impinged nerve root in the neck I use acupuncture and therapeutic ultrasound.
By Appointment Only
Naturopunc Acupuncture, P.C. (HomeOffice for 33+ years) 108 W 15th Street New York, NY 10011
(917) 721-7386 Text Only for Appointments